Quick Tip..

When trying to book in the calendar, ensure you click the circled digit (shown with a red highlight below), not the surrounding white area of the date cell as this does nothing

Online Booking System

ALTCAR BOOKINGS - Important - please read the following before booking dates for Altcar
Within the online booking system, you are presented with a calendar. At the top of the calendar, you are able to select either Altcar, or one of the four shooting lanes in the indoor range at the Grasshoppers.

Click on Altcar. In the calendar, select the day you wish to shoot and click on it.

At the bottom of the calendar, a dialog appears with the number of available places. If available, click "book" and fill in your details as required.

That's it! You may now come along and shoot with us at Altcar.

Please note that as of 26/08/2021, you no longer need to book to use the indoor range.