Book your Shoot

You are booking for: Altcar, 300 on 04/05/2025

[*] Your Forename(s)
[*] Your Surname
Your Email Address
Recommended, so we can email you a booking confirmation
Your Mobile Phone Number
Your Home / Landline Number
[*] I have read and fully agree to the Altcar regulations listed on the right
By ticking the above box you agree that:
  1. The range limits at Altcar are 1000m/s (3280 ft/sec) with a maximum muzzle energy of 4500J (3321 ft. lbs.) - I will not exceed these limits
  2. I understand that the following are the ONLY permitted firearm calibres / actions / ammunition that are authorised for use on Altcar ranges:

    .17HMR, .223/5.56x45, .22LR, .243, .30 Carbine, .30-06/7.62x63, .308 / 7.62x51, .357MAG, .38SP, .44MAG, .45ACP, 45-70, 7.5x55 Swiss, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, 7.92x33, 8x57 / 7.92x57, 9mm

    .17HMR, .223/5.56x45, .22LR, .243, .30 Carbine, .30-06/7.62x63, .308 / 7.62x51, .357MAG, .38SP, .44MAG, .45ACP, 45-70, 7.5x55 Swiss, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, 7.92x33, 8x57 / 7.92x57, 9mm

    Bolt, Straight Pull, Semi-Automatic (.22), Lever

    Solid lead or jacketed lead core ball ammunition in calibres to match firearms, including handloaded ammunition

Firearm type/calibre not listed above that you intend to shoot at Altcar?
  • You must inform us at least one month before you intend to shoot it at Altcar
Why ask for this?
It is a mandatory requirement at Altcar that we agree to inform them of all firearm types and calibres we intend to shoot before shooting them there.
I will be using handloaded ammunition
(tick = yes, blank = I will not be using handloaded ammunition)

By ticking the above box you are confirming that you have complied with the homeload recipe declaration procedure and have read, completed and submitted the pre-requisite NRA Code of Practice for Handloading Firearms Ammunition Guide and Form and submitted this to the Club

Why ask for this?
We must ensure all handloaded ammunition is declared for use at Altcar and that it does not exceed range limits
I'm undergoing training/have no Shooters Certification Card (SCC)
(tick = yes, blank = no)

Why ask for this?
This helps us plan shoots to ensure enough trainers are available
I'm First Aid Trained and my qualification is up to date
Why ask for this?
This helps us to plan for the shoot to ensure we have the minimum number of first aiders available
I'm a fully qualified NRA Range Conducting Officer (RCO)
Why ask for this?
This helps us plan for the shoot and ensure we have RCOs available
Gun hire details
Ammunition purchase details